Following is a list of our most Frequently Asked Questions. For more information and support, leave a message in our live chat or visit our “Contact Us” page.
Is it difficult to set up Seynd and start sending web notifications?
No. It is super easy! Simply signup and paste the Seynd tracking code before the head tag on your website page in less than 5 minutes, and if you run into trouble Seynd’s onboarding assistance is here to help. Our WordPress plugin allows you to simply click to install and you’re done!
What If I’m not ready to give up my Email notifications?
That’s ok! Web notifications can be used synergistically and enhance email marketing efforts by utilizing a brand-new channel to optimize your existing email marketing efforts. Remind your users about emails sent to their inbox—easier to act on a push notification to open an existing email.
How do I know that web push notifications are worth it for me?
Seynd offers in-depth real-time analytics right on your dashboard, even to its free users, enabling you to try it out and see the benefits daily.
How do I know I am getting interested subscribers?
Seynd’s customizable opt-in windows ensure that all web users on your site understand exactly what they are opting-in to–so your list will always be filled with genuine subscribers.
After signing up for the paid plan, will I have to pay for new features that Seynd adds to their service as time goes on?
No. Paid users will receive all new features (forever) that Seynd is scheduled to add, at no additional cost.
What do I do if I need more subscribers then the slider provides?
No problem! Just get in contact with, we are happy to work with you to create a custom plan that is both cost effective and will fit your specific needs.
What happens if I go past my subscriber limit?
The base plan includes 2,000 active subscribers. After that, you pre-pay for additional blocks. The system will send your notifications to your newest 2,000 subscribers, but will pause your oldest subscribers that are over the limit (nobody gets lost). You will automatically receive a notification if you exceed your limit and you can either purchase more subscribers, or limit subscribers (so it is easy to keep your budget). If any subscriber opts out, they are not counted anymore toward your quota.
How do I estimate the number of subscribers I need?
To estimate your expected NEW subscribers, look at your email subscriptions per day and double it. Multiply that number by 30 days and you will have a a good idea of what to expect. For example, if you normally receive 10 NEW email subscribers per day, then you could expect 20 web push subscribers x 30 or 600 new subscribers each month.
Contact Info
2218 Broadway, #143
New York, NY 10024